Monday, December 22, 2014

Healthy Holidays

Photography: Saans Photography
Hair and Makeup: Kali Chris Hair and Makeup

I know what you are thinking... "Um, hello Elora the holidays are almost over and you are doing a healthy holiday post now?" Well better late than never! Also, I find that the actually week of Christmas leading into New Year's is when I have the hardest time being healthy. AND I want you all to know I am not a personal trainer or dietician- these are just some tips that I find work for me. OH and also, I do NOT usually look like that when I work out. I did a beauty post later that day, so I look real bedazzled! If you actually saw me at the gym you might run away... Ok, on with the tips!

1. Drink Plenty of Water
I know you have heard this tip before but I think it really helps! A couple months ago I was rummaging through the kitchen moaning "I'm sooooo hungry!" (You know, like 5 year olds do.) and my mom was like, "Are you sure you aren't thirsty?" How could I be thirsty when I was so hungry? Anyway, I decided to drink some water and it really helped, I actually was thirsty! Since then I try to drink as much water as I can. I find that it keeps me full and it helps with my skin! Win, win!

2. Don't Deprive Yourself, It's Christmas!
I find that if I tell myself, "Elora you can't have sugar for a month," all I want is sugar. I have also discovered that if I do go a month without sugar (That has actually never happened, 3 weeks at most) when I get back on it I go CRAZY and eat loads of treats annnnnd then end up gaining weight. So the best thing for me is to allow myself treats every once in awhile. Kelly Ripa does it and girl looks good! I just find, that this time of year I think it's better to count your calories and allow yourself a cookie than to go to a party and be like "Oh I can't eat anything here... ba humbug!"

3. Don't Beat Yourself Up
If you are reading this I am pretty sure you are human, and it's only human to eat a lot around Christmas time. And if you have a really unhealthy day, it's ok! It isn't the end of the world! Make the next day a little healthier, it's not worth beating yourself up over a few calories.

4. Eat Yo Greens
Ah, veggies. Everyone tells you to eat them- and let's be honest a bowl of broccoli is not as good as a sugar cookie- but veggies help fill you up, and if you eat them you don't feel as guilty having a piece of chocolate or something!

I am a list maker, so what I try to do at the beginning of the day I write "Veggies" five times and every time I have one I cross it off the list. I feel like I accomplished something and it helps me to stay healthy!

5. Find Time to Sweat 
I find that exercise is just as important for my emotional health as it is my physical health. When I do at least 30 min of cardio a day I am less stressed and anxious, which are both feelings people are hit with this time of year. And, obviously, it helps keep weight off. That is... unless you eat 5 pieces of fudge when you are done.

Those are my tips! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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