Monday, February 2, 2015

My Favorite Chick Flicks

Pictures By: Bailey Winters

Hello readers! I hope your Super Bowl Sunday was full of food, family and friends! And if your team won, congrats! And if they didn't... you'll get 'em next time. Moving on!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner so you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be loads of V-Day posts on this here blog! It's not like I really love the actually day... I just like the fact that there is chocolate, pink and hearts everywhere. Woo, that make me sound super girly- but it is what it is!

Soooo for my first Valentine's themed post I thought I would share my favorite romantic movies. I am a sucker for a good lovey dovey film. I've always been a believer in dreams coming true, and for the most part, that's what happens in my favorite romantic films. I get they are just movies, but all my favorites are favorites for a reason. It's usually because they effected me in some way... Anyway, here are my favorites and why. It's about to get real honest up in here.

Funny Face
 In this movie there is an awkward, outspoken and quirky girl (Audrey Hepburn) who is chosen to model for a magazine and ends up falling in love with a handsome fashion photographer (Fred Astaire). Halfway through the movie the model and photographer do a wedding shoot... they end up saying they love each other and dance the day away. When I saw this scene I bawled... there was no reason to cry, but booooy did I. I thought it was so lovely that Audrey's character found love by just being herself. She was odd, quirky and a little stubborn but was loved for it. It made me realize that I could be loved for being who I was.

Pride and Prejudice 
I read Pride and Prejudice when I was in High School. It's my mom's favorite book so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I loved it, Elizabeth Bennett is one of my favorite literary heroines. But moving on to the movie, I adore Kiera Knightley's portrayal of Miss. Bennett. Her willingness to accept that she was wrong about Mr. Darcy shows great strength to me. And the fact that they love each other despite their differences is lovely to me.

Letters To Juliet
I love this movie because it showed me that sometimes love is all about timing; and no matter how long it takes it's worth it. (Cheeeeesy I know!) Also... I have a selfish reason for liking this movie. Vanessa Redgrave stars in the movie and I had the privilege of meeting her on the red carpet when I helped cover the 2012 Tony Awards. Miss. Redgrave came up to me before interviewing with our reporter and asked me who I was. I said, "Oh, I'm just Elora the intern." Then she said, "Oh darling. You are much more than that. You are Elora and you are lovely." Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek. It meant so much to me that this lady I didn't even know, a star, wanted to let me know how I special I was. Every time I watch the movie I think of what she said to me and it brings a smile to my face and I hope I can find a man who thinks I am so much more than "Elora the intern."

Sabrina (1957)
Those that know me super well know that  Sabrina is my favorite movie of all time. I can watch it over and over again and not get sick of it. I love all the characters and the movie is fullll of lovely quotes. And I looove the costumes in the movie. But, one of the reasons why it's one of my favorite romance films is because Sabrina is finally able to get over the guy she is pining after and is able to move on to someone better.

That was a lot of personal information, and it was kind of scary to write! And most of it was pretty cheesy... sorry about that! I have loads of other movies I love... but I feel like if I list every single one this post will take me hours to write and hours for you to read! Anyways, I'd love to hear what some of your favorite romantic movies are! Happy Valentine's month!

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