Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Utah Finds: My Favorite Chocolate Treats

chocolate, valentines day, mormon blogger, food blogger, lifestyle blogger
chocolate, valentines day, mormon blogger, food blogger, lifestyle blogger

chocolate, valentines day, mormon blogger, food blogger, lifestyle blogger

chocolate, valentines day, mormon blogger, food blogger, lifestyle blogger

chocolate, valentines day, mormon blogger, food blogger, lifestyle blogger
Pictures By: Bailey Winters

 Hi guys! I tell you what... this time of year I have the hardest time not stuffing my face with every chocolate heart I see. I like chocolate normally; but when it's EVERYWHERE I go and it's wrapped up so nice and cute and the chocolate itself looks so pretty it is hard to resist. And I although I'll eat pretty much any type of chocolate I do have my favorites. Here are some of my favorite chocolate treats here in Utah...I could probably do 3 more posts on my favorites; but these will do for now.

S'more Chocolates: Mrs. Cavanaugh's in Bountiful

Oh. My. Lands. These chocolates are my favorite! My mom gets them for me twice a year, Valentine's Day and Christmas. They taste like the perfect s'more! The marshmallow to chocolate to graham cracker ratio is perfect. Plus the chocolate just melts in your mouth... go try them ASAP!

Chocolate from The British Pantry 

I looooove European chocolate. I don't care what anyone says, it tastes different than American chocolate and it is so much better! (Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be American I just wish some of our chocolate was better.) Anyway, go to the British Pantry (There is one in Sandy and one in Salt Lake) and get yourself an Aero Bar, a Double Decker, Minstrels and a good old fashioned Kit Kat. You won't be dissapointed.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries from V Chocolates

If you are from around these here parts you probably have tried some sort of treat from V Chocolates You really can't go wrong with anything from this place... but I have two favorites, the chocolate covered strawberries and the milk chocolate pretzel caramels. The chocolate is so smooth and yummy... I am drooling just thinking about it. T.M.I? Sorry.

Hot Chocolate from Hatch Family Chocolates

So this next chocolate treat isn't straight chocolate... but it's so good I had to put it on my list. The Hot Chocolate from Hatch Family Chocolates is so rich, creamy and delicious it can change lifes. Obviously I am kidding but it is SUPER delicious.

Chocolate Cake from Porcupine Grill  

The bummer about the Chocolate Cake at the Porcupine Grill is that it's a Special... so you might have to call ahead and ask if they have it before you drive up. Or call and see if they have a schedule for when they make it. It is good man, it is just plain good. It has three layers of delicious cake and scrumptious frosting. I usually don't love chocolate cake (I know that's weird for chocolate lover but it's the truth) but this one is an exception.

So those are just some of my favorite chocolate treats! Tell me if you have tried/or are going to try them! And I love to hear your favorites!

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