Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dissecting Stars Style: Taylor Swift

Here's the thing, I love looking at Star's style- their street style more than anything. But sometimes I try to get their EXACT look. AND, I think people can get in a funk when they do that. Because, lets be honest, most of us can't afford that EXACT look... plus you loose your style when you try to be identical to someone else. So I decided to do this new thing called "Dissecting Stars Style" it will help you get the look they have but not IDENTICAL to them. Our first star is Miss. T-Swift.

I love Taylor's style. It's old-school and feminine. Some how she even manages to make her"tomboy looks" girly. Here are some of typical Taylor looks I found and I am going to dissect them for ya!
I feel like Taylor often does black on black. Which is super easy to make your own, plus it foes back to Audrey's look in Funny Face. BUT be careful with this look, make sure you keep it elegant and feminine enough that it doesn't end up looking Gothic. A way to avoid this is go for a cropped paint or a capri... these are super easy to find and are always in. Showing a little bit of ankle gives the look a more feminine appeal. Also, make sure the top is tight and not super loose. Go for a shirt with sleeves. A tank top will make you look like you stepped out of yoga class. As far as the shoes go try a pointed toe shoe... it will make you look longer and add more glamor. AND a bold red lip didn't hurt anyone.

I have noticed that Taylor doesn't over accessorize. Which I LOVE.  I like my looks to look clean and crisp and if you add a gazillion bracelets and a necklace AND earrings AND a scarf it starts to be too much. Sooooo to accessorize like Taylor you need a few things: Rayban shaped sunnies, a headband and a great bag. 

You don't need to get Rayban's but just a similar shape. They are flattering for most people AND can find them at Target for cheeeeeap. But if that shape isn't your thing... just go for black. You can never go wrong for black sunnies... and black sunnies are very Taylor like.

Her headbands usually have a knotted detail to them. You can find some here and here. Or can use a scarf and tie it around your head. Easy. 

As far as bags go... Taylor usually doesn't have huge extravagant bags. At least- there aren't huge bows, or studs, or anything of that kind. Try to find a a structured bag in a solid color. It will go with more and get that Taylor look.

My favorite part of Taylor's style is her dresses. I ADORE dresses, slip one on and you are basically good to go. Taylor usually goes for flowy dresses with a fit and flare shape (In at the waist and then flares out).  Often times she pairs a long cardigan with her dresses. Which is such an easy style to follow, and it is always cute and girly. If she is not wearing a cardigan it is usually because her dress has details on it that an added cardigan would over power.  What I mean is a bow at the neck, a collar, a bow around the waist etc. If a dress has these details I would avoid a cardi. 

Taylor also wears a lot of d'orsay shoes, Keds (or converse) and oxfords. These three shoes are easy to find and you don't have to spend a fortune on them. 

Well that's a wrap! If you need any more ideas on how to get the "Taylor" look you can write me an e-mail, I would be more than happy to help. Also, if there is another star's style you want "dissecting" let me know!!

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